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Losing weight is one of the most pressing health concerns for many people

People gain weight by using more energy than they use, so eating fewer calories or energy can help. However, other factors also play a role, such as genetics, metabolism, hormones, the type of food you eat, your body type, and your lifestyle. This article will consider the causes of weight loss, the most effective methods, and medical interventions. 

 Health professionals around the world now consider obesity an epidemic. At least 2.8 million people die each year from being overweight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the prevalence of obesity was 42.4% of US adults in 2017-2018. Obesity affects some groups more than others. According to the CDC, 49.6% of non-Hispanic black adults are obese, followed by 44.8% of Hispanic adults, 42.2% of non-Hispanic white adults, and 17.4% of non-Hispanic Asian adults. . 
The health risks of being overweight include:
.higher risk of diabetes
.certain types of cancer

Why should I lose weight?

Here are many reasons to lose weight:

-Appearance: Some people may think that losing weight will make them look more attractive, fitter, or healthier.
-Confidence and Body Image: Some people who are overweight or obese may feel uncomfortable with their appearance.
-Overall Health: Maintaining a reasonable weight can help improve overall health and prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes.
-Specific conditions: Symptoms of sleep apnea or type 2 diabetes, for example, may improve or disappear when a person loses excess weight.
-Fitness: A weight loss program that includes exercise can make a person feel fitter and have more energy and stamina.
-Competitive sports: In some sports, e.g. For example, in boxing, a person may try to control his weight to stay within the existing weight class.
-Fertility: Fertility treatments appear to be more effective in obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) if they lose weight before

Many diet plans make weight loss claims. It can be hard to say if that's true.

Some are evidence-based, safe, and effective, while others are not. Many health professionals, nutritionists, and nutritionists agree that the best results are achieved when a healthy weight loss diet is combined with physical activity, especially over the long term.

This 2017 article covers nine popular diets that have been reviewed by experts.

It is not always possible to know how effective a diet is.


Many factors determine how many calories a person should consume per day to lose weight.

Some of these factors are:

desired weight loss
desired level of weight loss
Below are the daily calorie recommendations for adults from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Recommended daily calorie intake for men:

Age 19-20

Sedentary life: 2600
Moderately active: 2800
Active: 3000
Age 21-30

Sedentary life: 2400
Moderately active: 2600-2800
Active: 3000
Age 31-50

Sedentary Life: 2200-2400
Moderately active: 2400-2600
Active: 2800-3000
Age 51+

Sedentary Life: 2000-2200
Moderately active: 2200-2400
Active: 2400-2800
Recommended daily calorie intake for women:

19 to 30 years old

Sedentary Life: 1800 to 2000
Moderately active: 2000 to 2200
Active: 2400
31-50 years old

Sedentary life: 1,800
quite active: 2,000
Active: 2200
51+ years old

Sedentary life: 1600
Moderately active: 1800
Active: 2000 to 2200
If a person wants to lose weight, they must consume fewer calories than the above amount. It is important to eat a healthy and balanced diet.

If possible, you should consult a dietitian or doctor before changing your diet.

Care must be taken to ensure that the ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats is right for good health.

Further information:

Is fat good for you?
What are carbohydrates?
What is protein?
The meal plan must be balanced, as malnutrition and malnutrition can occur regardless of calories. A poor diet can also lead to bad moods and loss of motivation.

When a person reaches their target weight, they should gradually increase their daily calorie intake until they reach their "maintenance weight" amount.

weight control
A person can successfully control their weight by combining a balanced diet with regular exercise.

Getting enough sleep can also help control your weight. A 2018 review by Trusted Source states that there is scientific evidence that disturbed sleep can lead to increased appetite, cravings, and decreased motivation for physical activity.

There are many ways a person can control his weight after losing weight. Some useful options are:

Avoid Restricted Diets: Too much calorie restriction can slow metabolism and alter hormones that regulate appetite. This can lead to weight gain.
Exercise: A 2013 study found that 200 minutes of exercise per week can help maintain weight loss.
Eat more protein: Protein can make a person feel full and reduce hunger.
Watch your carbs: Several studies have found that a low-carb diet can, in some cases, help maintain your weight once you've lost it.

weight and health

Some health professionals and researchers believe that dieting and efforts to lose weight can lead to extra weight gain and poor health.

A 2021 Trusted Source study of 60 women aged 20 to 30 found that those who had an individualized eating plan combined with targeted psychotherapy experienced long-term weight loss.

This study states that the main cause of obesity is the inability to control overeating, so obesity should be treated as an eating disorder. Weight loss support through psychotherapy can help reduce the negative effects of problems stemming from traditional diets.

There are many dietary supplements that claim to help people lose weight.

Some of them are:

Omega 3 and fish oil products
Chitosan from clams
Green tea extract
some chinese herbs
bitter orange extract
According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), they are not effective and are likely to have side effects.

Ephedra, once an ingredient in some weight loss supplements, is now banned for safety reasons.

Another concern concerns the sale of "fat burners" that do not have Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval. Also, some herbal supplements may not contain exactly what is stated on the label.

Natural Medicine
The NCCIH states that a mind-and-body-focused approach can help.

Examples are trusted sources:

eat mindfully
It is recommended that you find a qualified and experienced instructor to guide you through this activity.

Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is a surgical procedure performed on people whose body mass index is high enough to put them at risk for serious complications.

If other weight loss strategies don't work, your doctor may recommend bariatric surgery.

The stomach is either reduced with a gastric band or part of the stomach is surgically removed.

In some cases, your doctor may recommend a type of gastric bypass, in which the small intestine is diverted into a small stomach pouch.

This surgery will greatly reduce a person's appetite and they will not be able to absorb or digest food to its full potential as before.

Bariatric Surgery Can Be An Effective Way To Lower Your Body Mass Index (BMI) A Trusted Source for People Who Suffer from Severe Obesity. However, the results of studies on various procedures have not confirmed which type of surgery is most appropriate for each case.

This procedure has been shown to be successful in treating type 2 diabetes and reducing cardiometabolic risk.

It is important to aim for a weight that is appropriate for your height, age and gender. This article can help someone to know their ideal weight.

When is losing weight bad?
In some cases, weight loss can cause problems.

Weight loss occurs when a person expends more energy than they expend. This is called negative energy balance. The body looks for energy stores, starting from fat, to cover its deficiency.

In people who are low in fat, more muscle and lean tissue are used. This can lead to additional health problems.

They include:

higher risk of osteoporosis
decrease in muscle mass and strength
Problems regulating body temperature
reduced ability of trusted sources to fight infection
Severe weight loss can be life-threatening.

A person experiencing unexplained weight loss should talk to a doctor if possible.

When a person wants to lose weight, there are many factors to consider, such as age, gender, diet, activity level, and health status.

Health experts have found that cutting calories, exercising, eating a healthy balanced diet, and getting enough sleep can help people lose weight.

In some cases, a person may benefit from surgery, such as: B. Bariatric surgery for weight loss. In some cases, excessive weight loss can be a problem for a person's health.

One should consult a doctor before changing diet and exercise routine whenever possible.

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